Lumar Institute

For us, sustainability is the starting point for building a beautiful future.

We want to be protagonists of this transformation, inspiring people, companies, market and society.

The Lumar Institute was founded on July 13th of 2007, being a non-profit association and with organization activities of social rights defense related to education, culture and art.

We Deliberate our activities in concord with the 2001 eight millennium goals set by the ONU, focused on targeted actions for organizational conduct change aimed at eliminating child labor, children and adolescents sexual abuse/exploration, strengthening the family bond, social education mobilization, defense of human rights , preventive health promotion and voluntary work

Through our collaborative network we encourage the practice of committed voluntary work for anyone who wants to be at service or material belongings donor for institutions or entities that need these kind of donations.

Strive for social, environmental and cultural ethics of the community in which we inserted.

Develop and transfer knowledge in an innovative way.


Find financial, social and environmental balance, as a mean of perpetuation.

Valorized and respected people
Respect the human being as the final receiver of everything of what we do or have done.

Ethics, integrity and reliability matter
Keep everything we do in high ethical basis.

Lumar Metals believes that natural resources are finite/limited and to practice its activity in an environmentally sustainable manner undertakes to promote environmental awareness to its employees, reduce the environmental impacts in their production processes, products and services, and seek continual improvement of its environmental Management System, attending at assumed relevant environmental legislation and environmental standards and commitments.

Lumar constantly maintains actions relative to environmental quality, including:

• Hiring professionals for specific environmental area;
• Environmental Education for all employees;
• Internal selective collection program for employees;
• To maintain the company's green area;
• Permanent program of collection of batteries and proper disposal.
• Segregation procedures, temporary packaging and disposal of solid waste for recycling;
• Recycling of scrap ferrous and filings;
• Several programs and campaigns aimed at reducing the consumption of water, energy, raw materials, consumables and other opportunities to improve environmental performance.